CLAMAS (which stands for CLAssical Martial Arts Symposium) 2024 is the third edition of an event founded by Mathijs Roelofsen (GAFschola) and Romain Meister (Unil’AMHE). The aim of the event is to bring together practicionner of fencing traditions and martial arts systems from the 18th and 19th century.

This year it will be held in Lausanne (instead of Fribourg), on the 29th and 30th of June, and will feature at least double the number of workshop compared to last year. Saber, Smallsword, Cane, knife… The biggest 18th and 19th century focused HEMA event in Switzerland.

Register HERE by 31st of May

The price for the event (2 days) is 80 CHF.

The payment can be done via a bank transfer:

Name : Association Unil’AMHE
Adress : BCV, 1015 Lausanne
IBAN : CH88 0076 7000 U539 4564 7

Please indicate your first and last name and add “(CLAMAS)” when writing your bank wire. Your registration won’t be considered complete up until payment is completed.

We decided to go completely digital this year. No ticket will be sold on Saturday at the gate – anyone who has not completed the registration in advance will not be allowed onto the premises of the event.

Curious to know more about the workshops? Here’s a thorough description what CLAMAS 2024 is all about: